Home – RESSA Renewable Energy Source

Renewable           Energy                  Source                     South                      Africa


RESSA Renewable Energy Source is:-

  • Responsible – Committed to ethical and responsible actions.
  • Excellence – Achieving high performance and excellent results.
  • Innovative – Being innovative to create sustainable value.

RESSA works with industry leaders to utilize the latest technology, newest approaches and a visionary attitude to meet challenges throughout water and energy systems.  We are committed to excellence and we team up with specialist market leaders to provide innovative products, solutions, services, unparalleled know-how, and global energy and water market expertise.

Water / Effluent Recovery / Desalination/ Reverse Osmosis/ Acid Mine Drainage. Water is no longer a commodity to count on, more and more South Africans have come to realize this as severe water restrictions and in some instances complete water cuts for several hours a day have become more and more common.    From a personal household perspective through to company water usage protocols, water saving is possible for each of us, now is the time to reassess our water usage patterns.  There are many possibilities; from smart solutions to use less household water to smart technology allowing for effluent water recovery, brine water desalination and energy efficient reverse osmosis.  Now is the time to start becoming the change you would like to see!   We can assess and advise you on what solutions are possible for your particular industry/ company.

Green Energy was a buzz word, however, not only are there now technologies coming out with better solutions that are more energy efficient, but also there are solutions for every situation ranging from household to large company.  From solar panels and invertors to thermal energy storage, from sun to wind to water and also biogas, a myriad of solutions.  At RESSA we can help you to choose and implement a solution that will work specifically for you.









